Medical APP-DEMO







By using much of the time to make and specialy by focusing on the given outermost best concept and ideas ever and also maybe for the first time!, we proudly present with garantees that never one could find any faster, more user freindly and not less more complete and equiped middle class dictionary (please don´t mix it with a medical lexicon!) Also until now on the basis of well information got it throughly from commercial markeds, this App simply and directly  translating together with lots of anatomy illutrations and many appendix, from the daily practical Health Personal Terminologies to the Medical Latin Routes & Origin (such as from Greek, Italian, Persian, French, English, German, Macedonian,Croatians so on...) and  Vice Versa as well! The Dictionary fits every one and it is suitable for wanting to have the fastest access to medical terminology by mobile devices regardless of any education level or health profession!

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